Multiple Roulette Players Enjoying During a Game
Dealing roulette is a specialized job that requires a fair bit of training and practice. It’s also a decent career move if you decide to do this for a living. The idea of dealing roulette to the super-rich elite, well-known celebrities, and business tycoons with money to burn would seem attractive to many.

There’s plenty of glitz and glamor around to keep you entertained. Furthermore, you’ll meet and deal with all kinds of people every night. Most of these would have large amounts of cash to gamble away at a casino table. If nothing else, it’s an opportunity to make valuable connections and expand your social circle.

Whether you plan to become a pro roulette dealer or just want to learn to deal roulette like a pro, this piece is EXACTLY what you need to read. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the discussion.

Effective Roulette Dealing

There’s one common misconception about roulette dealing. Many believe that the job is simple and extremely easy. After all, they just have to stand around and look attractive (in the case of women) and suave (for male croupiers). But that’s not all there is to it. While looking good and pleasant is part of the job, you also need supreme mental agility, indomitable interpersonal skills, and ambidextrous finesse (how else would you learn that sleight of hand?).

Hence, to be able to deal roulette like a pro, you need a specific set of competencies, including the ones mentioned above. To put it another way, your arithmetic sharpness should rival that of Einstein’s, while your hand movements should have a deftness and nimbleness about them.

There are specialized training schools for casino dealers and croupiers too. It doesn’t matter if you don’t plan on doing this for a living. Enrolling in such institutes is a seamless process. A typical course duration is around six weeks, and you’ll spend most of this time practicing in a game of live roulette. Some grounding in other casino games like poker and blackjack is also likely to be part of the curriculum.

You can choose from a bunch of different options in this regard. There are private training schools that offer more exclusive casino dealer training. If you want to go to a private training institute of this kind, try to pick one with strong linkages with reputable casinos. On the other hand, you would also find that many casinos run their training programs. Such an arrangement would also enable you to learn while working a job at the same gambling facility.

In both cases, the course curriculum is likely to have plenty of overlap. You’re recommended to put in some extra hours of practice at home whenever possible to get the best out of it. This would enable you to hit the ground running later, especially if you plan to make a career as a roulette dealer.

Roulette Dealing: Tips from the Experts

The following tips would help you achieve your goal of learning to deal roulette like a pro.

Have a Penchant for Numbers

It goes without saying that numbers are important in most casino games. If you undergo a training program, you’ll notice that a lot of emphasis is being given to this particular aspect. You’ll need a thorough grounding in the odds of every bet, and you’ll need to apply it efficiently any time you’re working a table.

If you’re dealing in a busy game with more players, you’ll probably have to figure out the winning payout for a huge number of wagers. For instance, single number bets tend to have a 35-to-1 payout in roulette. This means that knowing the “35 times table” like the back of your hand would certainly help.

Handling the Betting Chips

“Cutting” chips is one of the first lessons in roulette dealing. Your instructors might ask you to separate a stack of 20 into four portions of five chips each. It seems easy enough, except that you’d have to do so just by its feel. “Chipping up” is another thing that you need to be good at. This refers to the act of quickly taking all lost chips, the ones transferred by the layout. They’re supposed to be arranged by color into stacks of 20 each.

To build up speed during training, your instructors will likely time you as you perform this task. An important part of doing this well is learning how it feels to have 20 chips in your hand at once. We recommend you practice with a stack of chips in your free time. The stronger your basics and technical skill foundations are, the easier it will be for you to deal with unexpected occurrences or surprises during a game.

Stay Fully Focused On the Game  

Quite often, dealers lose focus for any number of reasons. The casino always has plenty of distractions. It could be a grumpy player and sore loser, a big payout being won by someone at a nearby table, or so many other things. Moreover, dealers are sometimes looking for other dealers who can cover for them so that they can take a break. In most casinos, you’re entitled to a break after spending an hour and a half at a table. However, rules vary from club to club and are dictated by how busy a place is on that particular evening/night. 

Nevertheless, you would have an idea when a break is due. During these moments, it can be tempting to look around for your replacement coming to take over. Try not to do so, though. On the one hand, it comes off as unprofessional. In addition, if you’re distracted and your mind isn’t in the game, you’ll probably end up making many mistakes and missing things at the table that you wouldn’t normally let go of.

Parting Thoughts

Multi-Colored Betting Chips Stacked Next to a Roulette Wheel
Close-Up Shot of a Casino Roulette Table with Betting Chips Stacked Next to the Wheel.

Learning to deal roulette like a pro takes some work and a specialized skill-set. This piece mentioned some important tips to help you improve the game. Anything else that comes to your mind in this regard? Don’t hesitate to reach out and tell us by commenting below. We’ll be back again soon. Keep following Full Roulette for more exciting content on the game!

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