Best bets to increase roulette odds
Roulette has been a popular casino game for over a century, and the stories of people winning big are never-ending. Roulette has made numerous people swim in money, some of which were by a single game. Is it really just luck, or are there certain roulette odds that can help you win big? 

Read here to learn about the best plays to increase roulette odds that can help you win big in roulette. 

Roulette Odds in Different Variants 

To understand the best bets to increase roulette odds, you must understand the different versions of the game. Like any casino game, roulette has changed depending on the time and place. Over the years, three main game variations have been the most common. 

While each version follows the same principle of a spinning wheel, a ball, and slots, the odds are different in each version. 

1. European Roulette 

European roulette consists of 36 odd and even number slots and a single green zero slot. This game version is the most popular and was first created by Blaise Pascal. The European version has a house edge of 2.7%. 

A single number on this version has roulette odds of one in 37, whereas odds/evens and red/black have 18 in 37 roulette odds. The greater the roulette odds, the lesser the payout. 

2. American Roulette 

American roulette is a roulette version played commonly in America. The American version has the greatest house edge, 5.26%. This is because this game version has a green zero slot and an additional green double-zero slot. 

The additional slots lower the roulette odds of a single number to one in 38, whereas odd/even and red/black slots have 18 in 37 odds. Additionally, even with tougher odds, the payout is still 35 to one for single-number bets. 

3. French Roulette

French roulette was the original version of the game, and his similar to European roulette in that they both only have a single green zero. However, the French version has the lowest house edge of 1.35% because of two rules: En Prison and La Partage. 

These rules mean that if the ball lands on the green slot, the player can choose to get back 50% of the bet they made (La Partage) or keep the option locked for the next spin (En Prison). 

While the house edge decrease, the roulette odds remain the same as in European roulette. Single bets have a one in 37 odds, while even/odd and red/black bets have  18 in 37 odds.

The Best Bets to Increase Roulette Odds 

Now that you know the different versions of roulette and which version is best for you, you must decide on the best bet to increase roulette odds. Roulette bets are categorized as follows: 

  1. Outside Bets 
  2. Inside Bets 
  3. Called bets 

Below we discuss the best bets to increase roulette odds in all three categories. 

Outside Bets 

Outside bets are the best bets for beginners because they have lower risks. The odds of winning are greater, but the payout is also lesser. These bets are made by placing your chips in the empty sections on the table that surround the numbers. 

These bets are divided into five types: 

  1. Column: these bets cover one of three columns, each with twelve numbers. This is one of the best bets to increase roulette odds to 12 in 36, but the payout is lower. 
  2. Dozen: these bets cover three sections, each covering one to 12, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36. The odds are similar to those in column bets. 
  3. Odd/Even: these are the best bets to increase roulette odds to one-in-one, and you bet on whether the ball will fall on an even number or an odd number. However, in American roulette, the odds are slightly lower. 
  4. Red/Black: These are similar to odd/even bets; instead, you bet on whether the ball will fall on a red slot or black. The odds are similar to those in odd/even bets, with American roulette having slightly lower odds. 
  5. High/Low: These are similar to odd/even and red/black bets, where you bet whether the ball will cover a number below 18 or above. The odds are similar to those in red/black and odd/even bets, with American roulette having slightly lower odds. 

Inside Bets 

Inside bets are the best bets to increase roulette odds if you want to win big. With a greater payout, these bets also have a greater risk involved. You can place inside bets by putting your chips on any number on the table. You can even divide your bet and place it on multiple numbers. 

These bets are divided into five types: 

  1. Straight Up: these bets involve betting on a single number to get an odd of 35 in one in European and French roulette and 36 in one in American roulette. The odds are considerably lower, but the payout is greatest. 
  2. Corner: these bets involve betting on four numbers that make up a square on the table, such as three, six, two, and five. This increases your odds of winning to 35 or 36 to four. 
  3. Split: These bets involve betting on adjacent numbers such as two and five. These increase odds to 35 to two or 36 to two. 
  4. Six Number: these involve betting on six numbers by covering two rows next to eachother. This helps cover a table section and increases roulette odds to 35 or 36 to six. 

Called Bets

These bets are only played in French and European versions. With a lower house edge, these are the best bets to increase roulette odds and win big. These involve a mix of bets on different numbers at different positions on the table. 

These bets are divided into three types: 

  1. Neighbors of Zero: these involve betting on 15 numbers with nine chips, covering numbers that lie between 22 and 25. This increases your odds from 36 to 15. 
  2. Tiers du Cylindre: these involve betting on 12 numbers on opposite ends of the wheel, covering numbers between 27 and 33. 
  3. Orphelins: these involve covering the numbers that were not covered by Tiers du Cylindree. 

To Sum Up 

best bets to increase roulette odds
casino chips next to a roulette table

Roulette is a gambling game that involves luck to win, but that does not mean you cannot improve your chances. Try out the best bets to increase roulette odds and start winning big. Luck favors the bold, and your big win might be a spin away.  

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