Online Roulette
Roulette is one of the top gambling games around the globe. The iconic wheel spin keeps every player on their toes. Over the past years, online roulette has taken over many gambling communities. Online casinos allow players to engage in various games from the comfort of their homes. With the growing popularity of online roulette, there is an ongoing debate around the question: Is online roulette rigged or not? 

If you have arrived here hoping to have a comprehensive answer to this question, we have everything you need to know. 

The Truth About Online Roulette 

As a roulette player, you may hear much debate about rigging practices in online roulette sessions. The uncertainty of the rigging factor has created obstacles in the players’ way of engaging in online gambling activities. Before we review a few factors leading to such speculations, let’s start with answering the question. The answer is no if you wonder whether online roulette is rigged. 

It is vital to understand the factors behind such speculations circulating globally. Many online roulette players habitually blame the platform for their unprecedented losses. Unlike land-based casinos, online casinos can raise more concerns in the player’s mind due to the physical absence. A player may think the platform uses devious ways to have the house edge. 

However, the truth speaks differently. The only way online casinos can have the edge over roulette players is by varying the game format. For instance, many online casinos allow players to opt for double-zero roulette. Newbies may be unaware of the drawbacks of a double-zero format. To put it simply, the more zeros, the more the chances for the players to lose against the house. 

Moreover, some online casinos offer triple-zero roulette formats to attract players. Players who engage in such sessions blame the platform for rigging practices. If you wonder which factors support the argument that online roulette is not rigged, the following information may help you understand. 

Regulatory Authorities 

Before the speculations cloud you, you may want to remember that casinos (online and land-based) across the U.S. do not operate without a check and balance. The state gaming commissions monitor the activities of online and land-based casinos to ensure rig-free playing experiences for players. 

The regulatory authorities play an influential role in ensuring the ethical functioning of online casinos. Online regulatory bodies maintain thorough records of the dealt cards, thrown dice, and wheel spins. Even if a platform tries to use rigging practices, there is no way it may accomplish it. 

More importantly, regulatory bodies review each platform’s payout practices and taxes to ensure they follow the legal patterns. If online roulette platforms had used rigging, the authorities would have been able to identify such issues much earlier before the debate started. 

Game Formats

As mentioned earlier, game format plays a crucial role in determining the odds of winning. Unlike many land-based casinos, online roulette platforms often allow players to engage in double-zero and triple-zero roulette sessions. New players often prey on such opportunities, hoping to make more money. 

However, experts are well-aware of the drawbacks of these roulette variations. Double-zero roulette may have a higher reward when won, but it also has an added advantage in the house’s favor. Players often face difficulty in double-zero formats and lose their wagers on wheel spins. 

A relatively less common roulette variation is the triple-zero format. While the game rules may change for players choosing to play it, the house edge significantly increases against the player. The only way to avoid major upsets in online roulette is by sticking to the single-zero roulette variation under any circumstances. 

Is Online Roulette Rigged
An online casino app on a mobile screen

Faster Sessions 

Another factor that leads many online roulette players to raise rigging speculations is the faster gameplay. Unlike land-based roulette sessions, online roulette operates at a faster pace. The wheel spins quickly by cutting the clutter between each player’s turn. When online players lose, they often associate their loss with the fast pace of online roulette. 

It is worth noting that faster gameplay does not alter the outcomes in online roulette sessions. The regulatory authorities closely check the wheel spinning practices and dice movements to ensure rig-free gameplay. It may appear that the platform used devious methods to speed up the process. However, there is no truth to such speculations. 

If you discuss the matter with an online roulette expert, you may find the same remarks that online roulette does not use rigging practices to favor the house. 

Are Online Roulette Platforms Credible? 

Despite establishing that online roulette does not use rigging practices to favor the house, it is vital to understand that not every platform is credible. Some online casinos use unethical practices to lure players into placing high wagers and may alter the outcomes. Typically, these platforms appear on the internet for a specific period and vanish later to avoid lawsuits. 

To avoid online roulette scams, you may check the reputation and ratings of an online casino before engaging in gambling activities. Some platforms face lawsuits due to payout disputes and other objections. You may consult experts on different roulette forums to know the pros and cons of various platforms. 

The saturation of online casinos has raised uncertainty among players worldwide. You may like the attractive incentives offered by scamming casinos. While this may be valid, such platforms may use unfair means to determine the outcomes. They may also hold payouts for an indefinite period to scam players. Some platforms alter the known terms to mislead players. 

A good rule of thumb is to thoroughly evaluate the credibility status of an online casino before creating an account and placing bets for different games. 

Wrapping Up 

Is online roulette rigged? The above information may help you determine the answer to this question. Online casinos may have varying rules to increase the house edge. However, checking the game rules beforehand may help eradicate false speculations about the online roulette platform. To find more reasoning to support the argument, you may explore various online forums to seek expert opinions. 

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