Roulette Betting Patterns
Roulette is a crowd magnet in every casino. You may find many chants around the spinning wheel when you step on the casino floor. A common misconception about roulette is that it is solely a luck-based game. While it is somewhat valid, the roulette betting patterns (strategies) have much to do with who wins the game. If you are a roulette lover who wants to turn the odds in their favor, this read may help you accomplish your goal. Let’s explore roulette players’ betting strategies to increase their chances of winning.

Roulette Betting Techniques Every Player Should Know

Roulette is an interesting game with all eyes aligned to the spinning wheel. While the simple betting methods involve number-betting, color-betting, and odd/even betting, you can adopt a few other methods to increase your winning odds in the game. Professional roulette players waste no time learning advanced strategies.

Due to the luck factor, many roulette players miss out on advanced techniques and stick to basic betting. If you face pro players in a casino, you may need more than color knowledge to have a winning stance. Let us walk you through the popular techniques to help you overcome the winning challenges.

The Martingale Strategy

Martingale is one of the top preferred strategies pro players use in roulette. This technique has been around for decades and is popular in gambling circles. Although Martingale has mixed reviews, it has the potential to work in several instances.

The Martingale strategy allows players to double their bets after each loss. If you place your bet on a number or a combination and lose it, you can double the (same) bet to increase your winning chances. The theory behind this technique is that a player ultimately wins using the double-bet rule.

While Martingale is a famous roulette betting pattern, many players vote against it for several reasons. Firstly, if you plan to use it, you may need a large bankroll to bear consecutive double-bet losses before you win. Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will win the next round after losing one. Some experts even call it a hunch. We recommend learning the odds of this popular pattern before using it in a competitive game.

The Reverse Martingale Strategy

Reverse Martingale is an equally popular strategy among roulette players. In fact, there is a clear divide between those who prefer this one over Martingale. Those who use it to win highlight many factors to support its credibility.

In this technique, a player may reverse the standard Martingale rule to turn the odds in their favor. A player must double their bet after winning each round. If we thoroughly examine the concept of this strategy, players can use it to maximize their winnings by holding a winning streak. Although it purely depends on a player’s luck and betting choices, Reverse Martingale may be helpful in some cases.

Before you learn and employ it in one of your roulette games, you may remember some of its crucial cons. The major drawback is significant losses. You may lose significant amounts from your bankroll within hours if you are unlucky.


D’Alembert is a unique roulette strategy that gives players a more logical way of placing bets. Many defensive players use it to ensure maximum winnings from a particular roulette table. While it may not always be effective, D’Alembert comes in handy when you have bankroll limitations.

According to D’Alembert, a player may increase bets by a unit after losing a round and increase bets by one after winning a round. A general understanding many roulette players have is that a win and vice versa may follow a loss. Although such cases cannot be guaranteed, players can employ this technique for defensive plays.

Like other advanced betting techniques, D’Alembert comes with a few downsides. For instance, if you lose consecutive rounds, you may lose significant amounts (due to increased bets per round). You may only use it if you have a decent bankroll limit for multiple roulette sessions.


The Fibonacci strategy is based on the Fibonacci sequence. Not every pro player uses this method due to its relatively challenging pattern. While valid, this technique may help you outsmart other players in terms of bets and rewards when lucky.

According to the Fibonacci sequence, each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers. Keeping this sequence in mind, players increase their bets after each loss and decrease them after winning a round. The primary objective of this famous pattern is to minimize losses and maximize winnings.

Fibonacci may only work in some roulette scenarios. This strategy relies on the luck and expertise of the players using it. You may thoroughly understand the pros and cons of Fibonacci before employing it in one of your roulette games.

 Roulette Betting Patterns
A spinning roulette wheel

James Bond

If you are a James Bond fan, you might be interested in learning this strategy. The game was highly popular in the old James Bond movies. James Bond is a safe betting strategy that allows players to minimize their losses.

According to this technique, a player can bet on a combination of numbers with varying bets to increase their winning chances. An effective method to employ this strategy is placing larger bets on specific numbers, followed by smaller bets on highs and lows and evens and odds. The idea behind James Bond is to bet on all the potential points where the ball could land as the wheel stops spinning.

Like other strategies, James Bond may only work if you are lucky and observe the wheel patterns closely. A downside of using it is losing significant amounts after failing to land a ball on large bet numbers.

The Takeaway

The above roulette betting patterns can help you try advanced strategies in competitive sessions in a casino. While many experts recommend using them, you may remember that each technique has pros and cons that may influence the game’s outcomes. You may thoroughly understand the details of each pattern before using it in a game. For more roulette tips, check out Full Roulette

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