A roulette table
Roulette is a centuries-old game, and over the years, professional gamblers have devised various strategies to improve their chances of winning. One such strategy is called the Tier et Tout.

The Tier et Tout roulette system is aimed at helping you make a profit through using the casino’s funds while also allowing you to manage your losses. Thomas Garcia, a renowned gambler, invented the technique in the nineteenth century. He was fascinated with creating the ideal roulette strategy, one that could beat the house at its own game, and he tried a number of different systems before settling on

Tiers et Tout. Garcia rapidly became a fan of the system, and understandably so. Below, we have discussed the Tier et Tout roulette system and its complexities.

What is the Tier et Tout Roulette System?

The system can be utilized effectively on both internal and external bets, although it’s most popular for even-chance bets like odd/even, red/black, and high/low. The strategy is simple to master, but it does need a certain degree of math, making it unsuitable for novice roulette players.

The possibility of making quick rewards while limiting the risk and needed capital to a minimum is the big attraction of this technique. The strategy is simple to learn and can earn you a significant return with a win-to-loss rate of more than 1:3. Garcia used it five times to splurge and collect a ton of money on his first trip to the Homburg Casino.

How Does It Work?

Tier et Tout works well on bets that return double the stake, like even/uneven numbers or red/black color. While using the strategy, you must first pick how much money you want to start with. This figure will determine the size of your first bet. The money you choose should be divided into three sections, with your first bet being at one-third of the stake. Your first bet will be $3 if you choose a stake of $9. If this bet loses, you’ll put a fresh bet with the remaining two thirds, which for this case would be $6.

You’ll get a new amount each time, whether it’s on the very first or even on your second bet, and it should always be divided by three. Following that, you will make a bet of one of the thirds, where the remaining two-thirds will only be used in case you lost your first bet. Because this sequence will always be repeated, you’ll never be able to set up more than two bets with the money you’ve got.

When you get to a number that can’t be split into three, round it up and divide it by a number that can be. Whatever is left over after dividing what cannot be divided should be set aside as profit. Let’s use the example of $9 as a starting point.

RoundAmount1/32/3New AmountCan it be Divided?Profit Put Aside

The new rate will always be the same whether you win the first or second wager. If your beginning balance is $9 and you win a $3 wager, your new balance will be $12. If you lose your first $3 bet and have to play the remainder of $6, a win would still lead to a new amount of $12. The new rate of $16 would be impossible to divide by three in the second round; thus $1 will be set away as a profit while $15 is divided.

As a result, in the fourth round, we arrived at a fresh sum of $24, which could be divided by three, and so nothing was set away. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but if you prefer, you can set aside and allocate a profit here as well. In this instance, the profit set aside for each round should ideally be raised. Have a look at this example:

RoundAmount1/32/3New AmountProfit Put Aside

If you employ the Tier et Tout strategy in this manner, the profit set aside will become significantly higher. You would have already made a profit of $10 in the fifth round, which is $1 greater than the amount you started. Because you set away a large portion of the money that would have been used to bet otherwise, using the approach in this manner results in the full sum not increasing as quickly.

Pros of the Tier et Tout Roulette System

The advantage of employing Tier et Tout is that huge profits can be achieved quickly, and if you choose to set aside a large portion of your profits, as shown in the example described above, it won’t take many successful rounds to achieve a profit equal to the starting amount. If you get to this point, all you’re doing is gambling and risking the casino’s cash.

Cons of the Tier et Tout Roulette System

Tier et Tout’s aim is to always have a winning round in under two bets. If you lose two rounds in line one after the other, you’ll have to restart with a new sum, which is the strategy’s clear disadvantage. There’s a 25% chance of losing two rounds in succession, which happens all the time. Another disadvantage of Tier et Tout is that while using the method in online roulette, you’ll have to use some sort of document to calculate how much should be risked and how much should be set away.

Final Verdict

Tier et Tout is a technique that successfully combines the prospect of winning big without putting too much money at risk. To reduce the chance of losing the entire money while using this technique, consider starting sums that are only a small portion of the total expenditure. The strategy’s main benefit is that it has the potential to make large gains, and it doesn’t take very long to get to the point where you’re just playing with the casino’s cash with some luck.

Ultimately, Tier et Tout is best suited to people looking for a fun roulette encounter, who are ready to lose their initial bet several times in exchange for the chance to win big, and who don’t hate doing some math during their session.

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